Today we are showing you a quick glimpse into the three cottage bedrooms at our PEC project, along with guides for each on how to get the look yourself! While the majority of the budget of this space was dedicated to the main rooms (check out the living room and sunroom HERE and the kitchen and dining room HERE), the bedrooms were completed on a small budget with big style.
Bedroom 1
Loft Bedroom

No rental property is complete without a room with multiple beds! Whether for the kids or adult guests, two beds in guest rooms are becoming more and more popular! We added matching twin beds in the loft. We love the double bed look so much that we are dedicating an entire blog post to this concept, coming soon. Make sure to keep an eye on the blog to see all the inspo!

Bedroom 3
That’s a wrap on our project reveal of the PEC Cottage, let us know what your favourite spaces were in the comments below!